Why One-on-One Tutoring Fails

When it comes to finding the best private tutors for their children, parents often prioritize elite subject knowledge and teaching skills. However, there's a crucial step that is frequently overlooked: the consultation.

A comprehensive consultation serves as an opportunity to understand the reasons behind a student's need for a tutor. Failure to grasp these underlying factors is the primary reason why one-on-one tutoring often falls short. By taking the time to understand the unique requirements of the child, parents and tutors can tailor the tutoring experience for optimal results. This blog post will explore the importance of a consultation before selecting your child’s tutor, why consultations are often overlooked, and how it can significantly impact academic success.

In today's fast-paced world, the quick and convenient solutions are paramount. Agencies and websites will match your child with a student on demand. However, in the realm of education, what may be swift and convenient is seldom the most effective. Tutoring agencies and school counselors often prioritize efficiency, resulting in hasty tutor pairings while students end up working with tutors who are not an ideal fit. A comprehensive consultation helps mitigate this issue by enabling all involved parties to grasp the specific needs and goals of the student.

Consultations play a vital role in the academic success achieved through private one-on-one tutoring. By understanding the motives behind seeking external help, the matching process improves significantly. Is the child aiming to get ahead academically, catch up on missed concepts, or struggling with specific subjects? A consult can also determine your child’s learning style or help diagnose a neurodivergence. This comprehensive understanding allows for the placement of the child with an expert tutor who not only possesses subject expertise but is also well-suited to their personality, academic needs, learning style, or potential neurodivergence.

Without understanding these elements, a tutor-student relationship is likely to be incompatible and even the most expensive one-on-one private tutoring is unlikely to deliver effective academic results. Effective private tutoring transcends the mere imparting of knowledge; it involves building a strong rapport between the tutor and the student. This connection fosters effective communication, understanding, and trust which is key to your child's educational journey. A positive tutor-student connection creates a comfortable environment where children feel at ease expressing concerns, asking questions, and even making mistakes - concepts which are vital to an effective learning environment. 

MRM Education goes beyond matching your child with a private tutor. We offer a free consultation during which we build an entire learner profile of your child which includes: learning style, personality, strengths, weaknesses, interests, desired age and gender in a tutor, and more. We walk you through our process introduce you to the specific expert tutors within our expansive network that will best support your child given their unique learner profile and your families needs. 


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